![]() 09/23/2013 at 12:46 Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
People of Craigslist please stop doing the following:
Calling your car "rare" 99% of the time, its not.
Not posting pictures- seriously?
keyword spamming- when I am looking for a nice used BMW 335i I don't want to see your crappy modded Civic.
Waste time and ad space telling spammers/scammers not to reply do you think this will actually work?
Don't bother telling me its "under Blue Book"- its not 1985, nobody uses Blue Book value.
Expect me to be impressed by your "tasteful mods" or actually pay more for them. Mods = beaten to crap and dumped broken onto Craigslist usually.
Spell Check, its built into every browser now. Honest.
Expect me to take your ad seriously if you request "trades", that means "my crap is broken, can I have yours?".
Try to write the "i'm super ironic dude, look bacon, rockets, Bigfoot, awesome, blah blah blah" ad, those were funny five years ago, now they say "my car is an over priced junk heap, and I am likely an annoying hipster".
Make an ad that is just a link to another Craigslist ad- Inception style advertising is annoying, cut and paste isn't that difficult. If you are going to be a spammer, don't be a lazy one too.
Attention curbstoners, and sleazy buy here pay here bottom feeders, stop hiding your cars in the for sale by owner's section. I screened you out for a reason- you're mostly dirtbags.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 12:48 |
Nibbles doubled me up, so I deleted the earlier one.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 12:49 |
Can I add one to your list?
To those same sleazy buy her pay here dealers.
Do NOT put the DOWNPAYMENT as the price of the car on your post. When I search for a beater old truck between $1,500-$4,000 I do not want to see a 2009 Tahoe with a $2,000 down payment.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 12:50 |
Checks a few of your boxes...
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So much hate for that.
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It's infuriating. Happens to me all the time because I'm always looking for a crappy cheap 4th car (yea I know 3 is already plenty lol, my wife would agree trust me)
![]() 09/23/2013 at 12:53 |
I was looking for a DD last year and spent hours on craigslist weeding out the total bullshit and ended up learning that the average American is a total dipshit. Your civic isn't suddenly worth an extra $1k because it's a manual, bro.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 12:55 |
Expect me to take your ad seriously if you request "trades", that means "my crap is broken, can I have yours?".
Sometimes these are legitimate, usually if they are looking to swap types (sedan for pick-up, SUV for econobox, etc)
![]() 09/23/2013 at 13:00 |
Specifying Auto or Manual, preferably within the title.
I'm tired of playing CSI with the interior shots. Oh, there it is. Crap.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 13:04 |
And the $1 listings, too.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 13:05 |
UGH not the 1$ listing. Bitch if you list it for a dollar that's all I want to pay for it.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 13:07 |
Quickest way to get your ad flagged by me is to have more keywords than words in the description. I'll see if I can find one..
Took me 30 seconds. I searched for "gsxr jetski"
Here's another one "GSXR civic gtr"
Fuck you guys, both of you.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 13:12 |
Sometimes, you really appreciate this guy.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 13:28 |
Either lose faith in humanity or stay off craigslist.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 15:04 |
Calling your car "rare" 99% of the time, its not.
I had a Subaru salesman use the word rare about three times in one conversation while he was talking about WRXs. Look, WERXs are nice, they are NOT RARE. 1970 Hemi Barracudas are rare, P-38 Lightnings are rare, Subarus? No. Not rare.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 15:26 |
It's pretty funny because the actual rare subarus are the base model imprezas. SO HARD TO FIND. And also, the rare unicorn: any completely stock WRX.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 20:07 |
MY WRX is and shall remain completely stock. although I am planning to buy some plain steelies for the snow tires. Hmm, a Kirin is a japanese unicorn so that might be my next vanity tag. Awesome.
![]() 09/23/2013 at 22:37 |
Steelies FTMFW!!!